O Spam Cartoon, da RTP, abordou a polémica entre Ricardo Quaresma e André Ventura, motivando uma reação do deputado do Chega.
O episódio, chamado ‘A praga’, evoca a resposta do futebolista, de etnia cigana, ao plano de desconfinamento para a comunidade cigana proposto pelo deputado do Chega.
No cartoon, André Ventura surge desenhado como uma praga, a qual não conseguiu travar Ricardo Quaresma.
O deputado já reagiu, lembrando que o vídeo animado foi transmitido pela RTP e aludindo ao apoio de emergência que o Governo (PS) concedeu à comunicação social.
“Os nossos impostos – e também os dos militantes e apoiantes do Chega – pagam no canal público estas ofensas contra a minha pessoa. O dinheiro do Estado para a imprensa está a funcionar. Praga é o que eles me chamam… Incrível”, comentou André Ventura, no Facebook.
Directed by Cristina Sampaio; script by @spam_cartoon; animated by Marta Cutileiro and Filipe Serrano; sound by Philippe Lenzini; voiceover by Bruno Humberto | produced by @joaopcotrim and @andre_carrilho | Broadcasted on @rtp, May 14André Ventura, the leader of Chega, a far right political party, sugested “a specific plan for Roma and health and safety issues”, reminding us of similar measures taken by the nazis during the Third Reich.The aclaimed football player of the Portuguese national team, Ricardo Quaresma, wrote an answer to Ventura's racist stance: “The national football team is of all colors, black, white and even gypsies (…) at the moment of raising their arms and celebrating a goal I believe that no Portuguese celebrates less because the player is black, white or gypsy. I'm a gypsy. Gypsy, like all other gypsies, and I am Portuguese, like all other Portuguese, and I am neither more nor less for that.” “André Ventura’s racist populism only serves to turn men against men in the name of an ambition for power that history has already proven to be a path of doom for humanity”.A group of personalities launched an open letter to denounce that Chega’s proposal “grossly violates the Constitution, by discriminating against a community for its ethnic-racial characteristics and by proposing to disproportionately remove rights, freedoms and guarantees from them, as a specific confinement motivated only by their ethnic origin ”.